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Location: Colorado, United States

I'm a 38 year-old mother of three who was blessed enough to marry the right guy. I like to paint and create strange things out of clay and also read, write, run, drink and laugh. I have no idea where the time is going.

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

five days and counting

We have done it all. We have gone swimming, we have gone camping. We have gone to every local park and not-so-local park so many times they don't even want to go to the park anymore. We have done arts and craft and board games. We have had playgroups. We have gone to see movies (well, a movie: Cars. Two year-olds aren't much for sitting for two hours yet). We have gone hiking and biking. We have celebrated birthdays, Memorial Day, and bonded with our neighbors. We have had fun.

But dear God, will this summer ever end?

They are at each other's throats. I am at their throats. I am at my limit.

And somewhere in the back of my mind is the maternal guilt that stems from feeling like I have to enjoy every single minute with them and savor each moment or someday I'll be filled with regret. My pediatrician even unknowingly re-enforced the guilt for me at one of our last check-ups when I was telling her about how my older boy will be in 1st grade this year for a full day of school and my middle guy will be in pre-school three afternoons a week. She immediately said, "That's fantastic! You can spend some one-on-one time with your youngest!" And in my head I was thinking, "No, he'll be napping. That's exactly why I picked afternoon pre-school for the middle guy. So I could have some quiet time to myself creatively...have a complete thought!" But of course I just smiled and nodded about all the fun my baby and I would be having.

Later, after thinking about it, I realized: Hey, she has two young children at home and she's a doctor for heaven's sake! While they are being cared for by someone else, she gets to use her brain every day. She gets to eat her lunch alone if she wants to and not have to get little people back-wash in her drink. And when she's done she doesn't have to clean up after anyone else or deal with naptimes. I'm not trying to bash moms who work outside of the home, but really, sometimes I think they have no clue what it's like to be home in the trenches day in and day out.

So I've decided to cut myself some slack. I'm giving myself permission to look forward to their return to school. I'm going to say it's okay to feel frazzled and irritable and generally annoyed. And I promise I won't regret being an anti-pollyanna mom some day in the future when they're grown and I'm looking back wondering if I made the most of every single minute with them. I'll remind myself that my front porch was covered in a flour-and-water-paste that took months to come up all because I wanted to let them pretend to make cakes. I'll remember how every time I broke out the paint they would immediately be covered from head to toe and it would take an hour to clean up three minutes worth of fun for them. And they probably won't even remember it! Someday they'll be in therapy bitching to their therapist about how they didn't get enough love and attention.

So screw it. Here's to the end of summer.


Blogger babs said...

Just reading about your summer makes me tired! Definitely cut yourself some slack... sounds like you've done a TON. And pretty soon, you'll get to dump them at Auntie Lisa's!

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had someone ask me if I was ready for school to start for my 2 kids; I told them I had just gone shopping for shoes with both of them that day and if school started tomorrow I would be delighted!

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darn right, we do deserve breaks and we don't always have live and scarifice everything forour children. Unbelievable that we are so hard on ourselves when we are doing one of the hardest things on earth, parenting decent children.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Crazy MomCat said...

Oh, AMEN, AMEN! Too bad we don't live closer, because I say we deserve a few 'ritas about now!

You sound like an amazing Mom who really goes all out to keep your kids entertained and learning. There is nothing wrong with saying and needing a little break--you are human!

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did someone say Margaritas? I can't wait for the heat wave to be over!

7:08 PM  

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