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Location: Colorado, United States

I'm a 38 year-old mother of three who was blessed enough to marry the right guy. I like to paint and create strange things out of clay and also read, write, run, drink and laugh. I have no idea where the time is going.

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Thursday, June 01, 2006

rules schmoolze

I have to say, I am fed up to here with rules lately.

I took my boys to the pool the other day. It was an indoor pool and was really cool. There was a giant frog that the kids could climb in and slide down his big red tongue into the water. There was also a floating basketball net and balls. My boys are good kids and never want to break the rules (in public places, at least). But it wasn't one minute before I heard the bitchy lifeguard toot her whistle and say "No climbing up the slide!" Clayton scrambled off, obviously embarrassed and headed to the basketball net. Toot!!! "No touching the rim!" He looked at me all guilty and went out in the middle. Toot! "No touching the rope!" I said, you know what boys? This pool sucks. Let's go somewhere else that isn't ruled by a bitchy teen-age queen on her period. Well, I thought that but said it differently to them.

A few days later we were at a park. They were running around having fun. I couldn't help but notice all the other moms nagging at their kids: You have to have your shoes on! Go down the slide, not up! Keep the sand in the box!

And at my playgroup the other day there was one mom who could just not let it go that her two year-old daughter had her shoes on the wrong feet. She kept harping and nagging. I wanted to say "Who the hell cares????!!" She's two! Be glad she puts her own shoes on!

AAAAAAAHHHH! I know it's our job as moms to teach boundaries and self-control, but come on! They are kids! They have plenty of time left to follow the rules and be suffocated by social restrictions.

Sorry, I just had to get that out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear ya, so often I have to remind myself and my husband our girls are still kids and sometimes being different or unique like putting two different shoes on is okay.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Crazy MomCat said...

It is good for me to have read this. I don't think I'm as bad as the wrong-shoe mom, but my husband and I do get really carried away with keeping rules all the time at our house. My daughter is rapidly breaking us of that at only age 2. I can tell, she'll be the frequent rule breaker and we'll be forced to get real and chill on all of that too!

9:56 PM  
Blogger Tamara said...

I am the no rules type. Jonathan keeps the rules at our house. "Don't jump on the sofa... Don't bounce on the nice pillows... But they'll get DIRTY..." I'm all about having fun. We keep eachother in check. And I'm really glad I get to be the fun one. It's a lot easier when I know I have someone who will keep us safe. ;)

7:32 PM  
Blogger Tonya said...

I hear ya! I've been one of those moms constantly nagging about a variety of things. I am, thankfully, learning to mellow out. I still have a long way to go, but I hope that my children are seeing more and more of the more relaxed me.

The place we have the most ridiculous rules? The school. The kids can't ride any bikes or scooters on the school grounds. They aren't allowed to play tag at recess. If they have indoor recess, they have to sit down to do whatever they are doing--including playing in the kitchen area. It's kind of hard to "cook" when you have to sit on the floor and can't walk to the table to "serve" the others!

1:47 PM  

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