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Location: Colorado, United States

I'm a 38 year-old mother of three who was blessed enough to marry the right guy. I like to paint and create strange things out of clay and also read, write, run, drink and laugh. I have no idea where the time is going.

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

mama says om theme: ache

Even after almost ten years, he sometimes forgets.
"Why is my leg aching so badly?" he wonders.
"It must be about to rain," I remind him.
"Oh yeah! I can't believe I always forget!"

He's only 36 but sometimes seems like an old man with his aches and pains and ability to predict the weather by the feelings in his bones. But he's lucky to even be alive and able to walk.

In the summer of 1996, while working odd construction jobs, he went out to a worksite in Kendalia, Texas on a rainy morning. He was up on the roof of a three story barn when a fellow worker slid some materials to him. He reached for them and lost his footing. The last thing he remembers is going for his hammer to slam the claw side of it into the roof to try to stop his fall. He was too late. He slid over the edge and down 30 feet. His fall was broken by a pole sticking out of the ground below. It broke his femur, the largest bone in the body.

His co-worker came running around the corner and saw him lying there. He threw up. My husband was in shock and was trying to move his contorted leg from it's unnatural position back to where it was supposed to be.

They were so far from a major city that a helicopter was sent out for him. They had to move him to an open area to be picked up and the nearest open area happened to be a cemetery. He was confused as they took him there and thinking they were just going to bury him, said, "I'm not dead yet!"

He made it to the hospital in San Antonio which, sadly for him, was a teaching hospital. They learned a lot from working on him. When he first arrived, they could not give him any more pain meds than the paramedics had already given him until he went into surgery. But in the meantime, they had to prep him for surgery and that included drilling a hole in his leg to keep it in traction. The nurse completed the gory task but when the doctor checked her work, it turned out she had drilled in the wrong spot. So she had to unscrew it and start again. The second time she put the drill on his skin, he told her he could feel it because the pain meds were wearing off. Too bad, it had to be done, and it was.

He made it through the surgery in which they put a titanium rod in his leg. He was actually recovering well from that when a few days later he started feeling weird. He told the hospital staff he could not breath right but they said he needed to get up and move around. He collapsed. Some fatty embolisms had leaked from his broken bone and gone to his lungs. His brother who was living in Australia at the time was called and told to return home. His big brother was dying.

After much more time in intensive care, he made it through. He was finally sent home to recover. He went from crutches to a cane and then to independent walking within a short amount of time. He was a former Marine afterall!

One of the most interesting things about his story is about the pole that broke his fall. As awful as it was, it could have been so much worse. By breaking his leg, it prevented him from landing on his head or breaking his neck or back. Just a few days before the accident, he had been asked to remove the pole from the ground. He is as strong as they come and he tried everything possible to get it out but it would not budge. Later, after the accident, a young boy was told to remove the pole because no one could bear to look at it and think of what had happened. The boy walked over and plucked it out of the ground with no effort at all.

We joke about how God kicked my husband off of that roof to get him back on the right track in his life. He was headed the wrong way and needed to take that detour. He's a stubborn man and I guess it takes a lot to get his attention. He listens a little better now. And every time his leg aches, you can count on rain within the next day or two.

For other mamas on "ache" check out mama says om


Blogger Crazy MomCat said...

This is an amazing story and proof that God does look out for us in so many ways. Sometimes even the bad things that happen are for a reason and He only gives us as much as we can take. That gives me comfort, knowing that.

Thanks for sharing!

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woah that is an amazing story! Moving to say the least. Your husband sounds like he is very lucky. .

2:58 PM  
Blogger AscenderRisesAbove said...

what a story of survival... very inspriational

8:35 PM  
Blogger Abbie said...

What a fabulous story! It is amazing the challenges we are faced with! It is interesting how awful traumas can make us better people!
Cute boys!
:) thanks for the kind words @ my blog! Abbie

7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for this story. You kept me wanting to read more the whole time. And the ending - the part about the pole Not being removed as it was supposed to be - wow.

8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...what an amazing story...I'm breathless! I could feel that pain--your gifts as a storyteller worked a little TOO well.

Your husband is very lucky.

4:44 PM  
Blogger DebbieDoesLife said...

Amazing! Especially the part about the pole. That gives me goosebumps. Luck is of course, all in how you look at it. You are definately seeing the good in this story. That takes faith.

10:02 AM  
Blogger Shelley said...

I was just reading an article that talked about the importance of life stories within families (what my son calls "true life stories)... how they can shape the way children think about their choices and blessings. I wonder how many times and in what ways your boys will tell this story.

1:24 PM  
Blogger Movin Mom said...

GASP! exhale,
Nicole this story touched me in so many ways, I will have to write about my sister-in-law one day. Her first husband did his internship at that hospital and was an orthopedic surgeon, so he probably could have been the one seeing your husband. BUT he died in June of 1995. The pole, wow!
I am grateful to hear that he was ready to become the man he is and allowed fate to take it's course. It is so hard that we sometimes have to be faced with
trauma/tragedy to hear God's voice!

2:07 PM  
Blogger Left-handed Trees... said...

This story blew my mind completely...makes me think there really are no "accidents". How amazing!

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that amazing story!
I believe that pole was there for a reason, also ;)

1:10 PM  

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