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Location: Colorado, United States

I'm a 38 year-old mother of three who was blessed enough to marry the right guy. I like to paint and create strange things out of clay and also read, write, run, drink and laugh. I have no idea where the time is going.

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

sick kid tips

After being up all night with a sick toddler, I thought it might be fun to document some of what I've learned about taking care of sick kids over the last six and a half years. Maybe it can be of use to someone out there...

1. Putting a sick child in a bath is usually the best thing to do for pretty much any illness: colds, coughs, and stomach ailments. Even if they have a fever they usually perk right up from the sound and feel of the water.
2. If you have a sick child, play it safe and put a towel on their pillow when they go to bed. That way, in case they don't make it to the toilet you don't have to change the sheets in the middle of the night...just remove the towel and do what you determine is best: wash it or burn it (depending on the viscosity of the vomit).
3. If a sick child throws up down you shirt, don't even try to salvage your bra. Just. throw. it. away.
4. Same goes for diarrhea on any part of your clothes. There's just no point.
5. Don't bother climbing back into your nice, warm bed after cleaning up the vomit all over the bathroom. It's just no use. They have an uncanny knack of knowing exactly when you are all snuggled in, about to hit REM, and they will punish you for it. Better to stand outside their door with your eyes closed and try to sleep. Don't lean on the wall or they will sense that, too. It won't be long before they scream your name again...
6. It is possible for a child to vomit and have diarrhea simultaneously so be prepared. It's best to sit them on the toilet with a trash can in front of them than the other way around.
7. This one I heard about through my sister-in-law: If you've put a bowl in their bed for an emergency (vomit), always treat the bowl as if it's full. Even if it looks like it's not.
8. Always rememeber, they can only be sick for so long and then it will be the next kid's turn. So depending on how many kids you have, use the following calculation to determine when you might sleep again: Z (number of kids you have) X Y (length of illness) = oh never mind. You're never going to sleep again so just forget it.

When oh when will spring be here?????


Blogger Lisabell said...

OMG, you poor sistah! Nice to share your wisdom with the masses, though... ;)

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, it will be another kid's turn, but when will it be yours?
Yes, I'm evil.
Another tip is to put the pillow in a trash bag, then into the pillow case. I threw away many pillows before I learned that trick.

11:06 AM  

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