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Location: Colorado, United States

I'm a 38 year-old mother of three who was blessed enough to marry the right guy. I like to paint and create strange things out of clay and also read, write, run, drink and laugh. I have no idea where the time is going.

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Monday, April 10, 2006

the irony

I had to chuckle when my sister told me about a conversation she'd recently had with a very good friend of hers and a blogger that I highly respect. It seems that her friend was having a very bad day with her two kiddos and asked my sister about me. "How does she do it with three?!" She seemed to have the misconception that I have my act together and am a model mother. This came as such a relief to me because I think the same of her! She seems so loving and calm (and I'm sure she is) but I didn't picture her having bad days like I do. I mean, I try every day to do better and sometimes I make progress and some days lose ground, but I would never consider myself a model mom. I beat myself up and usually give all the credit to my husband when I see how well they are turning out. It really made me realize that if my sister's friend can have a bad day and doubt her abilities as a mother, too, then it's all going to be okay. Because I know that her children are loved and treasured and so are mine. They are secure enough to stand the storm of a bad day. They are hardy and resilient because of the fact that they have two parents that would gladly die for them. They know in their hearts that a stressed-out mother at the end of her rope is only temporary. I have been vindicated...


Blogger Crazy MomCat said...

Hmmm...friend of your sister's with two could have been me, except for the calm part. I know exactly who that is now though and you're right about her. HA!

Seriously though, I know what you're talking about. We Moms are just really hard on ourselves. I hope that in 10 years, we can all go out for drinks and look back on this and think, now why did I worry so much?

7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am loving the blogging world for just that reason. I can see some of my crazy thoughts just aren't so crazy!

Loving this crazy life.

9:19 AM  
Blogger Tamara said...

It was me! It was me! Thank you so much for this post. You ROCK. I wish I had read it sooner. Man. The good days are so good. But the bad days! Could they be any harder? Thanks again. You create the illusion that motherhood is so easy and then you give the validation that it is not! xxoo

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking as the mom of three grown-ups, I have to confess that there are still many days when I am overwhelmed with guilt about why we didn't do more such and such or why we did such and so. Then I look at my grown-up kids and think, Wow, but they are such neat human beings! They are so much kinder than the mass of humanity who attempt to push me off the freeway in the mornings, or ding my new car door in the parking lot. They have good friends. They are good parents. They are good people! I guess two things to remember are: Kids are very resilient. And God is very good to fill in the cracks when parents "crack."

6:07 PM  

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