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Location: Colorado, United States

I'm a 38 year-old mother of three who was blessed enough to marry the right guy. I like to paint and create strange things out of clay and also read, write, run, drink and laugh. I have no idea where the time is going.

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Monday, March 13, 2006

i heart wallyworld

I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and hit the jack-pot. They were clearing out all their winter stuff and I found a bin of boys' snow boots, normally $18, for $3. That's right, $3. I bought enough to cover us for the next few winters. I also got some cute boys' shirts, also $3 each (normally $8). Next fall I won't have go out and spend a ton because I'm finally getting the knack for shopping ahead. As I was leaving Wal-Mart feeling oh so proud of my savvy shopping, I thought back to some comments I've heard from people in the past mocking Wal-Mart and the people that shop there. These remarks usually come from DINKs (dual-income, no kids) and usually are along the lines of: Wal-Mart is evil. It hurts small businesses. It is trashy.

Okay. So it's not as pretty as Target, but so what. If you have no kids and money to burn, go ahead, snub Wal-Mart. But when you have 3 kids and are living on one income, you don't have the luxury of throwing money out the window. And as for small businesses, I'm sure it has done away with some, but this is a free market. I've happened to work at a couple of very successful small businesses that were in close proximity to a Wal-Mart. They even sold things that Wal-Mart sold, and at a higher price. But they filled their own niche offering things Wal-Mart doesn't: charm and fantastic customer service.

Since I'm raving about Wal-Mart, I might as well tell you we recently joined Sam's club. And I was almost sick seeing how much money we could have saved if we'd only joined, say, 5 years ago. I mean, I have been paying double for almost everything! My jaw was hanging open as we wandered the aisles and aisles of giant products. I bought enough toilet paper to last us for months! And I am sick and tired of buying toilet paper. It is going to save us countless time and money. I can't sing it's praises loud enough!!!


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