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Location: Colorado, United States

I'm a 38 year-old mother of three who was blessed enough to marry the right guy. I like to paint and create strange things out of clay and also read, write, run, drink and laugh. I have no idea where the time is going.

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Friday, March 03, 2006

little girls, little boys and the feminist movement

My neighbor across the street just had a baby girl about a couple of weeks ago. I am so excited as I will get to see close up what these things called "little girls" do on a daily basis. Of course, I used to be a little girl myself, decades ago, but memories fade. After being a mom to 3 boys over the last few years, my imagination runs wild as to how a daughter would be different. For example, when people ask their daughters what they want for breakfast, do they reply,"Boogers. Boogers and goo." And really mean it? (Actually happened) I know girls would not participate in "tinkle fights" as I've recently discovered my two oldest doing. It explained A LOT I might add. And they actually have carpet in the bathrooms here. Who ever thought of that idea must have had- daughters. I've had friends with girls tell me they are so dramatic and emotional. They say I'm lucky to have all boys. One friend asked me if I ever talk about marrying my sons as one of her other friends with boys had. And yes, I do propose marriage all the time. Cooper still says he'll marry me but the other two just try to run away (typical). I have always been a tomboy. I grew up with pet frogs and turtles and you'd find me in a tree before you'd find me playing with Barbies. Being the mom of boys was my destiny, I suppose. I appreciate how they are what they are. The other day I told my husband how my MOPS (mother's of pre-schoolers) group was going to have a class called "Understanding the Heart of a Man" and I complained that you'd never see men going to a class to learn about "the heart of a woman." He immediately retorted,"that's because there could be no such class. There is no way to understand the heart of a woman." And he's right. Women=Mystery. For men, there's a one hour class on a Tuesday night that pretty much sums it up. And I like that. I'm glad that men and women are different. And I'm all for the feminist movement as far as it's moved us closer to equal pay for equal work, (and voting, of course) but beyond that, I think it has done more harm than good. It seems to me that women are getting the message that to be "as good" as men, we have to me like men. As if we have to trade in our innate feminine qualities for more aggressive ones to prove we're as smart and capable. That is ridiculous. Of course we are as smart. Of course we are as capable. Of course we deserve to be paid the same. Those are givens. But I like being a wo-man. And I love that my husband is a man. I love that he is a former Marine and I feel safe knowing that he could and would kill with his bare hands anyone that tried to lay a hand on me or our boys. That is hot. He has opened every door for me since our first date, 12 years ago. I take it as a sign of respect and love. It is not condescending. We will teach our sons to respect women and hold them up high. We deserve it. As for having a daughter, I have to say I'd enjoy dressing her in little colorful tights and braiding her hair. I would enjoy having another female spirit in our home to balance out some of the masculine energy. But I love my boys. I am blessed and I couldn't ask for more.


Blogger Tamara said...

I thought I wanted all boys and I'm sure would have been thrilled had that been the case. I was so afraid of having a girl because the mother-daughter relationship is so (stereotypically) hard. And now I have one of each, and I feel very, very lucky. Who knows what #4 (dare I say it?) will be for you...

11:08 AM  
Blogger Lisabell said...

I'm sorry, I can't get past the "tinkle fights" right now... give me a minute...

12:27 PM  

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